Health Fair

Biometric Screenings

Sept 20th – 23rd

June 14th – 17th

4 families will win a
wellness retreat near Sundance + $50 gift
card drawing for 60 participants!

Sign up for screening by
Sept 6th to enter drawing

4 families will win a wellness retreat near Sundance + $50 gift card drawing for 60 participants!

Sign up for screening by Sept 6th to enter drawing

Free Screening Includes:

What you’ll get at the screening

Screening Dates:
for employees and spouses not enrolled on doTerra health plan (outside insurance or no insurance)

Mon, Sept 20

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Tues, Sept 21 

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Wed, Sept 22

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Thurs, Sept 23

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Location:  doTerra Multi-Purpose Rooms

Screening Dates:
for employees enrolled on doTerra health plan

Mon, Oct 4

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Tues, Oct 5

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Wed, Oct 6

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Thurs, Oct 7

7am – 1pm
4pm – 6pm

Location:  doTerra Multi-Purpose Rooms