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American Heritage Health & Wellness Program


The Prime Meridian clinic is open to all employees and their spouses.  The clinic is the center of the American Heritage Health Engagement Program and can be used to support each person’s health journey.  To facilitate and encourage the use of the clinic we are getting access to some new resources.  

Over the course of the year American Heritage employees will have the opportunity to participate in contests, education courses to learn about their health and the solutions available to them or participate in clinic programs.  Incentives are available on completion of certain goals and objectives. 

Each Quarter you will have the opportunity to engage in your health in your own unique way.  There are four primary ways to earn the maximum available incentive.  The way you earn your incentives is up to you and you can combine the components as you see fit. 

Quarter 1:  Mindful Living

The First Quarter Starts January 15th and will go through March 31st.  Our educational focus will be learning about the concept of Mindfulness.  Each month you will have the opportunity to learn about various aspects of mindful living that can help improve health, decrease stress, and increase happiness. 

Step 1:  Meet your provider!  schedule your clinic visit

Using the Prime Meridian Clinic for all your healthcare needs is not mandatory for American Heritage employees.  But American Heritage believes enough in the resources available to you through the clinic that they are offering a special Quarter 1 incentive for you to go to the clinic and meet with your provider.  This incentive is available even if you have used the clinic in the past or are engaged in a current health initiative at the clinic.  We want you to meet with your provider and talk about your goals for the year.  Schedule your appointment here and attend by March 31st and earn $100.  If your spouse is on the health plan and they complete a visit they can $100 if your spouse is on our health plan.

Step 2:  Get involved!

Good health is easier if you work on it with others.  To facilitate this Prime Meridian is providing American Heritage employees with access to a new private Facebook group.  This is a space for everyone, if you are healthy share ideas, if you are looking to improve your health ask for advice.  Employees can also learn about available programs or upcoming events or special “flash incentives” that happen throughout the week.  Sign up here by February 1st 2021 and earn $50 for yourself, and $50 for your spouse.

Step 3:  Learn something new!

You may prefer to work on your health by yourself or with another healthcare resource.  The American Heritage Healthcare program still benefit you.  Each Quarter you can earn additional incentives by logging into our wellness portal.  Sign up by setting up a new account here and taking an education challenge about company health topic this quarter, Mindful Living.  You can also pick from a number of educational topics to support your current health mission or goal focus.  Complete 3 topics and earn $50 for yourself.  If your spouse completes a challenge they can earn $50 as well.

American Heritage 2021 Incentive Program
360 S 1300 W St.
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
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